Upon arrival at home I had big plans to drag the boat outside and give her a wash for amine blush and start the sanding process on the outside of the hull in preparation for finishing. Heres my plan for the future:
-Wash the amine blush (if any) off the boat. Amine blush is something that can occur during the curing of epoxy. I use Marinepoxy from Duckworks, which does not usually blush. Its not "non-blushing" epoxy, but its kind of "blush-resistant" if you will. However, I have epoxied in about a million different temperature and humidity conditions, and seeing that paint wont stick to blush I might as well wash. Its easy. A pail of water, a scotch-brite pad, and scrub a dub-dub.
-Sand the boat down smooth
-Apply Quick Fair for fairing some ridges and bumps. Quick Fair is an epoxy compound that will fill abnormalities and the extraneous Fair will sand away relatively easily.
-Sand again
-Primer, two coats or so. Im planning on using Interluxs Pre-Kote which is a high-build primer to take care of smaller irregularities in the surface of the boat.
-Paint. More on paint later.
This is an ambitious list that will only be solved by time and hard work. So when it rained and snowed both days I was home, I was pissed. However, I cant change the weather! So I spent some time tinkering with some other small items that needed to be done, primarily epoxy sealing the runners, some loose ply ends, the rudder cassette/box, and so on. Not much, but stuff that needed to be done.
In bigger news, I received most of my running rigging from Duckworks! This was a very exciting package, because it reminds me that Im coming to the end of my voyage here and its getting time to outfit the hull! Yeah!
From top left, counter-clockwise: Shock-cord for my rudder and daggerboard, three cleats for general purposes, the last cleat is for the halyard. The fairlead for the halyard at the top of the mast, a clam cleat and another fairlead for the downhaul. Next up, traveler blocks, two blocks for the boom, a small block for the
spar and halyard, 1/4" low-stretch polyester rope for the traveler, mainsheet block yoke, sail tie-downs, and downhaul. A nylon 3/8" mainsheet. My super-low stretch dyneema line for the halyard is still on back-order and on its way. Im still looking for a mainsheet main block.
Im super happy with the quality of the rigging. Its all made in the USA, its made well, it will last forever, and it was cost effective. Race-Lite and Sea Dog Line bring us freedom from the tyranny of West Marine and Harken.
Hello to those new readers sent here from Duckworks Extraordinary May Webwatch! Welcome to my amateur madness!
Im super happy with the quality of the rigging. Its all made in the USA, its made well, it will last forever, and it was cost effective. Race-Lite and Sea Dog Line bring us freedom from the tyranny of West Marine and Harken.
Hello to those new readers sent here from Duckworks Extraordinary May Webwatch! Welcome to my amateur madness!
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