Tuesday, March 15, 2016


On June 12, 2010, I humbly presented to Poseidon my Goat Island Skiff along with the requisite champagne on the waters of Lake Sunapee, NH.  I now present to you,

I Am Zinea, Pterodactylus

May you enjoy fair winds and following seas,
High adventure and times of quiet relaxation,
May you always find the port before the storm,
and may you never abandon your crew in their most dire moment of need. 

What can I say, I enjoy long absurd names for my boats.  Pterodactylus was part of the pterosaur family.  Usually they were light, fast, small flying dinosaurs that have been widely hypothesized to live near the sea.  Some larger pterosaurs were definite coastal cruisers, so close enough for me.  I went to the American Natural History Museum in New York and spent some time enthralled with all the dinosaurs and pterosaurs.  They were cool.  My boat is cool.  It all works out.

Under rainy skies and low overcast, and when most lakes were glassy calm, we were able to find a fairly steady light breeze, and do some sailing!

My lovely wife also got me a wonderful present for the launching of the boat, and it was full of Pussers!

A salty gift if I may say so myself!


More posts detailing some fixes and other maintenance items, including sailing adventures are to follow.


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