Desolation Sound, British Columbia.
Jackie and I found each other ok at Vancouver airport and the flight across to where we were to pick up our ship was quick and efficient, the cab driver who took us from the little airport into our motel pleasant and helpful, and the motel itself (the Port Augusta conveniently close to both a very nice restaurant and the charter companies office at the local marina.
The crew at the charter company are wonderful, a this is a friendly and efficient outfit, 10/10, highly recommended!
It was a very rough trip across from the Charter base at Comox on Vancouver Island, waves up to about 3 ft high, but very close together. Id slowed the ship down to about three knots rather than just bashing on and was trying to steer into the worst then bear away and run across in the calmer patches but our ship is not as nimble as I am used to, so we got bounced around a fair bit. Uncomfortable but there was no risk. Gulf Mariner is pretty capable, shes a Mariner 40, a fairly typical Trawler type cruising motorboat, comfortable and roomy, well appointed and Desolation Sound charters do a good job in terms of maintaining the boat, ensuring that I was properly briefed, shown all of the systems and where all the equipment is.
Navigation in this maze of channels is no so easy for a first timer here, its very easy to get lost and I have to admit to having been a couple of miles out when looking for the anchorage that wed planned to spend our first night in, but serendipity found us a perfect spot and we didnt move for two days.
Roscoe Bay is a long narrow groove, cut by glaciers millennia ago. The entrance is very narrow and is only accessible from mid tide upwards. Inside there is a pool wide enough to anchor in perfect shelter. The steep rocky sides of the pool are covered in spruce, what I think are hemlock, and a few douglas fir. The area would have been logged in the early 1900s so the regrowth is quite tall, almost mature forest and its lovely to walk the many trails that run through it.
Weve a small lake only a few hundred yards up what was a logging road alongside the small outlet stream from that lake, and once there the warm fresh water was so inviting that we were in swimming within minutes of arriving there. Waterlilies, foxgloves, several berry vines with the remains of the spring flowers add colour, some of which have found their way onto the dining table in the main cabin here.
There are deer around and they appear not at all fazed by our walking past. Compared to our New Zealand forests these are quiet, not a lot of birdsong, but peaceful. Its been perfect, but today were moving around to Squirrel Cove, will do a run ashore to the store there for a few bits and pieces plus wifi to email and post this to the blog, and then will head out to our next overnight stop.
The store here has to be seen, great place with lovely people.

Im more familiar with the gps upstairs now, so dont expect to get lost again, but in this amazing place, who cares if we do.
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